Gavin Connor
Education Officer

Meet Gavin Connor, Education Officer at the Rediscovery Centre since September 2023!
Gavin’s main role at the Centre is the delivery of education workshops to primary and secondary students, and occasionally third-level and community groups. This involves designing workshops, preparing our reused materials for activities, and researching new and exciting information to stay up-to-date with developments in STEM and the circular economy.
Gavin’s favourite part of the job is delivering the workshops, which gives him the opportunity to meet students from many different backgrounds, and hear different experiences and opinions on the topics we facilitate.
Before working at the Centre, Gavin studied Animal Welfare Science and went onto work as a Falconer at the Ailwee Caves. These experiences drew him to education, in order to share the things he is passionate about in an engaging way, and eventually to us here at the Rediscovery Centre.
He is passionate about animals, their welfare, ecology and conservation – and in his spare time can be found travelling or enjoying the odd movie.